Taking care of your scalp is important, whether or not you are rocking a wig; but when you are, it is doubly important for your well-being, as well as that of your wig. You may wear a wig for its low maintenance and/or protective styling capabilities but you still need to be aware of the health of your scalp.
Your scalp is the foundation of your hair’s growth. Though you may wear a wig to shield your hair from damage or loss, it is important to remember that your scalp needs special care. A healthy scalp produces healthy hair. Your hair grows from the roots down; therefore, the best environment for healthy hair begins with a clean, healthy scalp. The buildup of oils and dead skin cells can lead to scalp problems.
Wig-Based Scalp Issues
A wig can be an excellent way to give your natural hair a rest and at the same time, without proper care, it can be a source of discomfort. A dry and itchy scalp can develop from glue, tape or lack of ventilation from the wig if you wear one daily. Bacteria buildup from sweating, sometimes the wig fabric itself or reactions to the glue or tape that holds your wig in place can also cause scalp issues.
Wearing a high quality wig is less likely to cause scalp irritation. If your wig is poor quality or has seen its best days long gone, you are more likely to experience itching and irritation. Cheaper wigs may not be sewn carefully, allowing the fibers to fall through the base and irritate your scalp.
Some individuals may experience allergic reactions from dust or chemicals from production residue. Making sure your wig is clean before wearing it the first time can eliminate this problem. When the wig is washed, it is important to rinse out all the product used in the washing process. Any buildup of shampoo, conditioner or moisturizer on the wig could cause a reaction.
Traction Alopecia
Hair loss caused by constant pulling or pressure on the hair follicle is called traction alopecia. This type of hair loss from wearing a wig is caused by certain hair care practices. Traction alopecia can occur from detangling the hair, wearing heavy braids or long weaves or styling of leave-out hair. If your wig does not fit properly and is too tight, you may be subject to developing this condition.
Traction alopecia can also be caused by synthetic bands in the wig. This is particularly true for individuals with sensitive skin. Although lace-front and clip-in wigs are great for complete coverage of natural hair, it is important to be aware of damage to the hair. These types of wigs have been known to cause thinning of the hair and eventual baldness when worn regularly. This usually occurs around the hairline.
The hairline area of the scalp has the most delicate hair. Pulling and tugging on a regular basis to get the hair to lay flat or to “tame” the edges can create problems. This is often the case with U-wigs or half wigs. Also, the hair on the crown of the scalp is also highly susceptible to traction alopecia.
Proper Scalp Care
A well-fitting, good quality wig such as those available at Shuly Wigs can make a big difference for anyone who wants the freedom to change their style, color or length of hair on a whim. Taking good care of your wig will help you keep your scalp healthy, too.
Protect your scalp by washing your natural hair and moisturizing your scalp on a regular basis. That schedule is different for everyone. Some will benefit from a daily washing, while others will find that frequent washing will cause dryness and irritation.
You can refresh your scalp by using alcohol-free witch hazel to remove oil buildup. A few drops on a damp cloth or natural cotton cleansing pad to wipe your scalp will help reduce the risk of infection in hair follicles on your scalp.
Normal dandruff is caused by fungal infections of the scalp and can usually be treated with anti-dandruff shampoo. But if the dandruff is caused by a skin condition such as eczema or contact dermatitis, you should opt for a leave-in scalp treatment that is specifically designed for dry scalp sensitivity.
Wearing a wig should be comfortable as well as fashionable and fun. At Shuly Wigs, we aim to provide our customers with the best in quality and service. Call us today to schedule an appointment with one of our stylists.
Posted on behalf of
114 Ditmas Avenue, Suite B
Brooklyn, NY 11218
Phone: (718) 851-7778
FAX: (718) 851-7090
Email: info@shulywigs.com
Monday-Thursday: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday-Sunday: Closed
We're closed on major Jewish holidays, except Chanukah (Festival of Lights).